Red Threads and Welcome and Heart (installation in the exhibition HUT)
The materials used to build up this installation were either given to me by friends, or collected by myself over the years. What they all have in common is that they were leftovers or discards, but were saved for various idiosyncratic and personal reasons.
Using these materials such as paper, tape, plastic bags, string, cloth and building materials, I have constructed makeshift structures and objects that parody utilitarian shelters and call into question commonly accepted notions of what constitutes home. The work is often transparent and impermanent, conveying a sense of deliberate uncertainty.
I see the project as a record of the cultural and personal accumulation that I have experienced in a series of movements from city to city, apartment to apartment, and from one country to another. Rather than indicate specific aspects of one culture or another, I have attempted to capture the fluidity that is found in the experience of change when one relocates to a foreign place - while searching for a sense of unity or cohesion - building a sense of the familiar with peculiar but banal objects.